Translate your name to phonetics with #MyNameIs - a digital name pronunciation tool that helps people share their real names, heritage, identity and pride.
Use VOA's Pro-nounce to correctly pronounce names and places quickly and easily. VOA's pronunciation guide has helped people around the world pronounce ...
Have you ever found yourself having trouble pronouncing someone's name? Fear not, NameShouts is a web app, which helps you pronounce a person's name correctly.
Free easy-to-learn online names pronunciation tool. Learn how to pronounce celebrity names, baby names, meanings and origin of names using audios and videos ...
Name pronunciation is simply being able to pronounce a person's first and last name, as they would prefer it to be pronounced in its original, intended form.
Type in a name, and if relevant, select its language of origin. Our search engine will find the audio and phonetic pronunciations, and display them on-screen.